Posts Tagged ‘green scare’

Bounty Hunters and Child Predators- Inside the FBI Entrapment Strategy is a new pamphlet from the Crimethinc Collective to help folks in the anarchist scene learn more about how the FBI targets and how we can keep ourselves, and each other safe.

This new publication is partially in response to the recent arrest of 5 anarchists in Ohio for allegedly plotting to blow up a bridge. The new FBI tactics are an extension of the Green Scare, and this pamphlet starts to talk about how we can resist being scared.

You can download a copy from the Crimethinc website  ( ), or come by the Wingnut Anarchist Collective during Open Hours on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-9pm to pick up a copy of your own. 2005 Barton Avenue.

Local Richmond journalist Michael Paul Williams wrote a piece in today’s Richmond Times Dispatch discussing Senator Norment’s labeling of the Wingnut as armed terrorists. Williams draws some excellent connections between the communist Red Scare era of the 1950’s and current use of the term terrorist. It is great to have local critical journalism.

The only difference to note is that some of the statements he attributes to Mo were actual from the press release written by the entire Wingnut Anarchist Collective- which you can read in full on this website.

Read his column, “Lawmaker’s ‘Terrorist’ Claim Reckless” here:–ar-1751932/

On Thursday February 2nd at 7pm (TOMORROW!!!) , come on out the the Flying Brick Library (506 S. Pine St) for a multimedia presentation and workshop on the Green Scare.

The Green Scare with the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross
This workshop will be a discussion of what the Green Scare is (think Red Scare) – the systematic repression of environmental, animal liberation, earth liberation activists by government and corporate agencies, how it affects activists today, and what can be done to fight it. There will be a lot of intro level material, but folks with more knowledge are encouraged to come share their thoughts and ideas. We are adding a multimedia aspect to this presentation to make it more interesting and engaging.

Recommended Reading List for further study:

Zines- The Green Scare Benefit Tour, Under Attack! The Green Scare and SHAC Canada, The SHAC Model: A Critical Assessment, Survivors Manual, The Green Scare  (These zines are available for reading at the Wingnut Radical Lending Library, Open Hours Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-9pm)

Books- Green is the New Red by Will Potter, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? by S. Best, Making a Killing by B. Torres, Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth by S. Best, Memories of Freedom by Rod Coronado (All books also available in the Wingnut Radical Lending Library)

On the web-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross is a prison abolition and political prisoner support organization. The RVA ABC is non-hierarchical and works both locally and nationally to support prisoners and fight the prison industrial complex. The RVA ABC has been working in Richmond for over 3 years.

Contact at

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross has meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Wingnut Anarchist Collective, 2005 Barton Avenue.

On Thursday February 2nd at 7pm, come on out the the Flying Brick Library (506 S. Pine St) for a multimedia presentation and workshop on the Green Scare.

The Green Scare with the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross
This workshop will be a discussion of what the Green Scare is (think Red Scare) – the systematic repression of environmental, animal liberation, earth liberation activists by government and corporate agencies, how it affects activists today, and what can be done to fight it. There will be a lot of intro level material, but folks with more knowledge are encouraged to come share their thoughts and ideas. We are adding a multimedia aspect to this presentation to make it more interesting and engaging.

Recommended Reading List for further study:

Zines- The Green Scare Benefit Tour, Under Attack! The Green Scare and SHAC Canada, The SHAC Model: A Critical Assessment, Survivors Manual, The Green Scare  (These zines are available for reading at the Wingnut Radical Lending Library, Open Hours Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-9pm)

Books- Green is the New Red by Will Potter, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? by S. Best, Making a Killing by B. Torres, Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth by S. Best, Memories of Freedom by Rod Coronado (All books also available in the Wingnut Radical Lending Library)

On the web-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross is a prison abolition and political prisoner support organization. The RVA ABC is non-hierarchical and works both locally and nationally to support prisoners and fight the prison industrial complex. The RVA ABC has been working in Richmond for over 3 years.

Contact at

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross has meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm at the Wingnut Anarchist Collective, 2005 Barton Avenue.

Folks interested in starting an occupation in the city of Richmond will be gathering at 5:30 pm this Thursday in Monroe Park to meet and begin talking about ideas.
An initial call has been made for the actual occupation to begin on Saturday October 15th.

Folks interested in an occupation but with little experience in protests are encouraged to stop by the Richmond Zine Fest this Saturday October 8th from 11-6pm to talk to members of Richmond Copwatch, the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross, and the Wingnut Anarchist Collective. The Richmond Zine Fest will be at the Gay Community Center of Richmond (attached to Diversity Thrift at 1407 Sherwood Avenue).

Richmond Copwatch will be hosting a Know Your Rights Training at 4pm at the Zine Fest. This training is intended to teach people what their legal rights are when dealing with the police, and how to assert them. This is very useful information for folks entering a protest or occupation type situation. It can help keep yourself as well as others safe.

Richmond Anarchist Black Cross will be hosting a Green Scare workshop at 2pm. This workshop is about recent activism in the US and the government oppression people have faced.

More information about both of these workshops is available at the Zine Fest’s website-

Additionally, folks interested in the occupation are encouraged to come out to Richmond Food Not Bombs this Sunday to get some experience cooking for large groups of people. Cooking starts at 12:30 at 2005 Barton Avenue and continues until 3:45. Then we head to Monroe Park at 4pm to share a free vegan community meal. Afterwards, we go back to 2005 Barton Avenue to do cleanup.

Richmond had an occupation earlier in 2011, of a local park. More information about that occupation is online at Please check it out!

The link below is to an article written about the Occupation meme in the context of decolonization and indigenous struggles. It also addresses issues of democracy, race, and more. We encourage folks planning on participating in an Occupation to think critically about terms like 99% and to keep privilege, race, sex, gender, class, sexuality and more in mind throughout these occupations.

More about the Richmond Occupation: Occupy Richmond is part of the larger national movement originating from Occupy Wall St. to COLLECTIVELY VOICE OUR DISAPPROVAL OF THE INTERMESHING OF GOVERNMENT AND CORRUPTED CAPITALISM. WE UNITE AS 99% of THE AMERICAN POPULATION.
Description (more…)

Join the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross at the 2011 Richmond Zine Fest on October 8th from 11pm to 6pm at the Gay Community Center of Richmond at 1407 Sherwood Avenue.

We will be hosting a workshop at 2pm- The Green Scare with the Richmond Anarchist Black Cross
This workshop will be a discussion of what the Green Scare is (think Red Scare), how it affects activists today, and what can be done to fight it. There will be a lot of intro level material, but folks with more knowledge are encouraged to come share their thoughts and ideas.

The Richmond Anarchist Black Cross is a prison abolition and political prisoner support organization. The RVA ABC is non-hierarchical and works both locally and nationally to support prisoners and fight the prison industrial complex. The RVA ABC has been working in Richmond for over 3 years.

The Wingnut Anarchist Collective will be hosting a workshop on Security Culture on Tuesday September 14th at 7pm. This workshop will be an opportunity for people new to activism/organizing/security culture to get introduced to the topic, as well as a chance for folks who already know about security culture to brush up on their practice and understanding of it.

Feel free to bring your questions and comments- but please let the facilitators establish guidelines first.

Security Culture is not something only for people who break the law. In fact, given the current oppressive practices, security culture is extremely relevant to activists of all tactics and strategies.

As more and more people practice security culture, it will become more of a culture and less of a protocol. It is important with a growing activist scene for people to understand the importance of security culture and how our words and behavior can have drastic affects on ourselves and our friends. Security culture is about minimizing risk.

You may have seen on blog posts from the Wingnut or things posted in the space that there are activities and discussions that are not allowed in the space- this workshop is part of a move away from just rules and warnings, into understanding and customs.

If you can not make the workshop or simply want to brush up on your security culture, we recommend this link for a relatively comprehensive discussion.

Yesterday, the Animal Rights community received some potentially positive news. The charges against the AETA 4 were dismissed. The 4 can still be re-indicted, so this is likely only a temporary reprieve. Those not familiar with the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act should take the time to read up on this bogus law. The case of the AETA 4 is the first time this law is being used to prosecute anyone, and so this case will likely set a precedent. The outcome of this case is extremely important, as what the 4 are being accused of are things like fliering and chalking, which are supposed to be protected speech.

This case is happening across the country, but it has the potential to affect activists in Richmond and activists everywhere. Not being able to catch people working underground has pushed the government and corporations to try to prosecute folks doing above ground work. This law and the rampant use of the word terrorist as a label are part of a movement to protect capitalist interests at any cost.

Will Potter writes the blog Green is the New Red and that site is a really good source for up to date news on the persecution of animal and environmental activists by the government and corporations.

Here is his post on the Dismissal of the AETA 4. (more…)