Posts Tagged ‘noacp’

For Immediate Release from Justice RVA

Activists Block Dominion Headquarters and Demand “Stop Selling Our Futures”

At 7:00 a.m. a group of over 50 activists blocked vehicle access to Dominion Resources’ Tredegar Campus in Richmond, Virginia to protest the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Traffic quickly formed on Tredegar Street as activists stretched large banners across the road and paraded large puppets around the scene. Two activists remain suspended from a pedestrian bridge with a banner reading “Stop Selling Our Futures” while a larger crowd occupy the access way to the campus below.

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline would transport natural gas from West Virginia, where there is a boom in hydraulic fracturing, 550 miles, through Virginia, and into North Carolina. “This proposal would be a dangerous investment in fossil fuel infrastructure at a time when the scientific consensus is clear that we must invest in renewables, such as wind and solar, to avoid further warming of our planet. ” said Whitney Whiting from Newport News, Virginia.

This action follows several months of grassroots resistance in the region against Dominion. On February 3, an activist scaled a crane at a construction site for Dominion’s proposed Cove Point LNG export facilities in Lusby, Maryland. On February 9, activists with the group Beyond Extreme Energy staged a disruption at a Dominion analyst meeting in New York City’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel, also with the message “Stop Selling Our Futures”.

Shantae Taylor from Norfolk, Virginia said, “As a person of color, I am out here because I am disturbed by the climate crisis in the Commonwealth. The Tidewater region is second only to Louisiana for its vulnerability to sea level rise. Now we’re facing the additional threat of offshore oil and gas drilling. I don’t want another Hurricane Katrina or BP oil spill to happen here. It’s time to push back against Dominion’s corrupt political influence and demand an end to fossil fuels.”

“I’ve been born and raised in Virginia, where we have pride in our land”, said Phil Cunningham, from Prince Edward County. “Now Dominion wants to come steal people’s property and sell our futures to the highest bidder. We are here to send the message to Dominion that people matter more than profits. This is our Keystone XL, and we will stop it. ”

Here is a link to the facebook page where you can find more pictures and videos from the event:

And the Free Nelson page:

Or search on twitter for #noacp

Save the date for the People’s Climate March on Monday February 23rd!
There will be a day of activities and a march. Like No ACP on facebook or follow on twitter for updates and we will try to keep updates on the Wingnut page as well.
Take a stand against fracking, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and many many other dangerous and climate damaging projects that folks like Dominion Power/Resources and other greedy jerks are pushing for.
Renewable resources are what we need to create a healthy, sustainable environment for everyone in Virginia.

The #blacklivesmatter demands to Richmond City Council pointed out important facts about the disproportionate rates of asthma in communities of color. And environmental racism and classism mean that the folks bearing the most negative weight from fossil fuels will be folks already dealing with the most oppression.

Renewable resources could lead to greater self sufficiency, independence, and cheaper utilities for everyone in Virginia if done well.

Stay tuned, Richmond is on the move this year and we are all a part of the intersectional movement to a better world.